Camp Collage

About Us

Camp Collage was founded by the Willoughby family. Although Michael and Darla Willoughby never attended overnight camps, all three of their children attended Camp Longhorn located in the Hill Country outside of Austin, Texas. From the very beginning, and every year after, Darla would spend days creating a collage to place inside each trunk. These collages would strengthen their emotional security while being away from family. At the same time, these collages sparked meaningful conversations with their newfound camper friends. Every year, the Willoughby kids looked forward to opening their camp trunks and sharing memories. In fact, other cabin mates would sometimes ask Darla to make one for them as well. In the fall of 2021 the mobile app Camp Collage was completed and offered to summer camps. During the summer of 2022 Camp Collage sent collages to campers in over 20 camps and in 9 states.

Meet the Team

Darla Willoughby

Mother of Three, Wife, Co Founder Of Camp Collage

Sydney Willoughby

8 Year Camper, Camp Counselor, College Junior - Ole Miss, Co Founder / Marketing Specialist

Drew Willoughby

8 Year Camper, College Graduate - St. Anselm College, Football Coaching Advisor, Camp Collage Advisor

Laila Willoughby

8 Year Camper, College Freshman - OU, Camp Counselor, Collage College Advisor


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